



你现在可能已经明白了, "being a physician" is not a specific enough career goal; there are specialties to choose from, 然后是专科的专科. 那么你如何选择适合你的呢? 很多时候你的工作经历会帮你做决定, but it's also important to do some self-reflection and 真的 consider what feels like the right path for you. 

从收集不同专业的信息开始. 你最喜欢什么? 为什么? 进入这个领域有什么要求? 什么样的经历将为你的成功奠定基础? Can you talk to residents and physicians about their experience and how they chose their field? 下面的链接可以帮助你开始探索, but in-person observations and informational interviewing are also critical to good decision-making.


理解并阐明你自己的动机, interests and values play an important role in making solid career decisions. Specialties that match best with what makes you uniquely "you" will bring more career satisfaction and success. 

有些东西会比其他东西更吸引你. Are you more excited by the prospect of using power tools during a surgery, or the long-term relationships you develop with patients in primary care? 你对研究和分析结果着迷吗, 或者被高压急诊科的想法所激励? Are you drawn to the processes and protocols required in certain subspecialties, or does the artistry required to make an incision nearly invisible sound more appealing? 

Core values are your highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and the heart of what you stand for. 的re are no good or bad values, just ones that feel right to you. Articulating these can help you make decisions in line with your fundamental driving forces.


场 & 研究经验

Skills are developed not only through required coursework and clerkships, but also through engagement outside the classroom and residency programs value candidates who pursued such experiences. In fact, a portion of your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) revolves around it. 的 "Noteworthy Characteristics" section is your opportunity to call attention to activities related to research, 团队合作, 领导, 服务, 和/或教学/课程开发. 寻找优质体验的建议资源包括:



Networking is a critical part of both your professional development and your residency/job search, but don't let the word scare you away; it's 真的 about developing friendly, mutually-beneficial relationships with colleagues and other professionals. Just like you might turn to a friend or 家庭 member who knows a lot about plumbing to help you fix a leaky faucet, you'll be turning to other experts in your workplace who can provide insight and support - just as you would do for them if asked.

Your network can help you with your career planning in many ways; from providing information about specialties, 把你和他们自己的联系人联系起来, 在你的申请过程中提供支持, 来帮助你了解具体的住院医师项目. 从朋友开始, 家庭, 家人的朋友, 朋友的家庭, 同学们, 教师, 校长, 然后从那里扩展. 下面的资源对建立你的人际网络很有帮助:

  • LinkedIn广泛使用的专业工具, LinkedIn can help you connect with people and groups aligned with your career goals. 搜索其他纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件学生, 教师 and staff; Connect with alumni from 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and your undergraduate alma mater; join groups related to your areas of interest; Identify residents and other employees who work at facilities of interest and conduct informational interviewing; and more!
  • 专业协会 


Writing a resume/CV is a lot like creating a brochure; you’re the product and you need to showcase your best and most relevant features. 如果你去百思买买手机, 他们会做研究, 问你一些问题,比如你为什么要换掉你现有的那个, 你在找什么, 你喜欢什么,不喜欢什么. What they would not do is attempt to sell you a refrigerator or a television just because they also sell those items. You need to approach your entire search process in much the same way. Just because something is in your store does not mean you need to sell it! 做好调查! 在你想要的专业领域中,什么是重要的? How can you effectively highlight your unique features to the "customer"? Sell them a phone and things related to phones, not refrigerators and TVs. 

A curriculum vitae (CV) and resume are similar documents, but not identical. A medical CV will be almost exclusively focused on experiences directly related to medicine and things important to medicine. A CV can be many pages long and frequently includes things like research, 刊物及简报. 一份简历, 同时也可能包括这些东西, is limited to two pages and may include other experiences beyond those related to medicine. It is not uncommon for students’ documents to more closely resemble a resume, as they have not yet had the depth of experience necessary for a full-blown CV. 

请随意使用它 Word文档简历/简历模板 如果你不擅长格式化. 

还有一个很好的清单 布鲁姆行为动词分类法 这句话很适合作为你的开场白!


的 application essay/personal statement is one of many important components of your residency application. 它需要回答三个问题:

  1. 你是谁??
  2. 你为什么选择这个专业?
  3. 为什么你是该专业住院医师的最佳人选?

纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件网站上有一些非常有用的 写个人陈述的技巧,所以一定要仔细阅读所提供的建议. 

被卡住了? 这并不罕见. Many students will comment that their writing seems cold and forced. A great tip is to throw formality out the window for your first draft. 而不是, 写一篇文章,说明你为什么, 真的, 真的 want to be a physician and how it would be totally awesome to work in a certain specialty area. It's impossible to be formal when you use that language and you'll get to some of the genuine reasons for "why you?以及“为什么选择这个专业??“那就把那些荒谬的语言拿掉.
